The Warhammer Community posted up today the latest Star Play to run ok well stomp onto the pitch. It is an age old fan favorite
From Sprue 2 Tabletop
Welcome to From Sprue 2 Tabletop, in this blog I will hope to show my hobby from the Sprue to the Tabletop,including painting, reviews and game write ups.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Sisters Saturdays: The Warhammer Fest Reveal
Now most of these models we have seen before in previous reveals but there are 3 new models yet to have been seen and the first is a stunner
Morvenn Vahl is the now new supreme commander for the SoB and revered by the Custodes given a wicked looking blade. This model is stunning some great pose with the new armour. I still do have the question where are her feet?
Next up is
Dogmata she is your judge jury and executioner and she clearly has feet to do her stomping.Can I get a hell yeah for the banner its big and imposing and the Sister with a book. Gonna be a nice center piece for an army.
Based on the ol faithfull Rhino Chassis it is blinged up with religous icons and choice of Battle Cannon or Auto-Cannons. Plenty of firepower to lay down on the heretics.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Touchdown Thursdays: Building a Black Orc Team
With the recent release of the Black Orc team box from Games Workshop, I have guilted myself into completing my first team for season 2.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Touchdown Thursdays: Deathzone Review
Apart from some cards decks for the Skaven, Dwarfs and Halfing teams, this is the biggest release we have seen since Bloodbowl Season 2 was launched in 2020. Deathzone has been billed as a must have for all coaches worth their salt. I have read through the book and can safely yes it does.
What's in the Book?
As you can see it packed to the gills with background, rules and new play mode. I will break it down below:Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Touchdown Thursdays: Kick Off
This will be the start of a weekly post in regards to all things BloodBowl, my hobby has been fairly quiet as of late with work taking up a lot of my free time. With us starting to work our way out of Lockdown in the UK. Hopefully it will not be to long before we are going to be able to meet over the tabletop again.
Articles that will feature in these weekly updates:
New Release update: With the continued support from GW when new releases are out I will post up a review of the releases.
Team Focus: As new teams are painted I will add a update on the completed team and focus on the race
Rules: A delve into the rules and hopefully ass some tips for new and old team managers.
Tune in next week for the first article.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
2021 The Year to Come
As we stand on the door step to a New Year, it is that time of year that we close the door on the past year and look forward to upcoming New Year.
With many blogs and websites focusing on their hobby projects for the future. I am going to have a different slant on what my aims are.
- I am looking forward to having the majority of the UK, Europe and World vaccinated, so that we can all look forward to getting back to a new society. I say new society as I hope that we have all learnt to be more caring and understanding of each through a troubled and turbulent 2020.
- Looking forward to seeing my Mum who I have not seen for all of 2020 apart from via Zoom calls and 3 cancelled trips to Spain to try an see her.
- Play a face to face game. I don't care what the game is :)
- Expand and grow my cooking and drinks blog.
- Loose weight and get back control of my body. I have been working on this for a few months now. But I am going to tie up weight loss with buying new models.
- Paint more than I buy. (HAHAHAHAAAA ) we all know that this is a virtual impossiblity.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Blood Bowl Free Scenario
Merry Christmas to all,
Hope that you were all good and on Santa's Good List.
I managed to get some new brushes and paint pot and the latest White Dwarf.
December at work pretty flew past with long days ensuring that we could get all the orders out the door, and this completely impacted all my hobby time. But now with 10 days off and no where to go as in a Tier 4 lockdown means that can get some serious hobby done.
GW put up a free scenario featuring the Gouged Eye versus the Elfheim Eagles. Has 2 nice rosters and some in game achievements to try and complete. Gonna give this a try over the hols.
Will get some more postings up over the next few days.
The Warhammer Community posted up today the latest Star Play to run ok well stomp onto the pitch. It is an age old fan favorite Frank ‘n’...

The Warhammer Community posted up today the latest Star Play to run ok well stomp onto the pitch. It is an age old fan favorite Frank ‘n’...
Started and finished construction today, I really enjoyed the assembly, only section you need to pay attention in the instruction manual a...
As we stand on the door step to a New Year, it is that time of year that we close the door on the past year and look forward to upcoming Ne...